7 thoughts on “4/26 Muckin’ Around

  1. jessebarkin

    Thanks for “Muckin around”, a nature walk, a mind opener, a nearby trip that made the day on many levels.

    Jesse Barkin


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  2. Michael Smith

    I used to see those salamanders in my childhood hangout where the zoo wetlands is now. I thought they were extinct. Good to know they are still around. Thanks for the informational post you and beargrass thunder make a great team

    Liked by 1 person

  3. shoreacres

    Loved this! Our bayous and estuaries are full of muck and critters, and support a whole range of life. Just yesterday I was at an east Texas pond and found a boundary jumper — a carnivorous plant. The so-called zig-zag bladderwort ( Utricularia subulata) isn’t as flashy as sundews or pitcher plants, but they sure are interesting. Eventually, there will be photos.

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