1/31 Big Red, Little Blue

As I’ve written many times, this forest is woodpecker heaven. The excavations woodpeckers carry out out on both living and dead trees benefit other cavity nesting birds, Grey squirrels, Flying squirrels, and more. But one species, the Pileated, is a true ecosystem engineer, dismantling entire stumps in its search for Carpenter ants.

Last week I watched this male bird with its impressive chisel bill digging for ants in a living tree. He was easy to find, the sound of his vigorous attack carried a long way. Already the cavity was taking on the oblong shape typical of Pileated excavations. The pace was fast, chips were flying, and the only time I could get a non blurry pic was when he raised his head to scan the surroundings. No matter how intent on digging, he paused briefly every thirty seconds or so, likely making sure a hawk was not lurking nearby.

In contrast, Eastern blueirds often don’t announce their presence, or at least not so loudly. In winter, an occasional soft “cheery-we” call note is the only notice that they’re about.

On a recent cold, drab day with fine snow drifting down, I looked up from my invasive plant puttering and glimpsed a flash of blue. There they were, the first band of the winter, moving quietly through the forest. Though birds of open country in nesting season, bluebirds seem to like woodlands for winter foraging. Like Robins, bluebirds are true thrushes, and their feeding behavior reflects this.

Female Eastern Bluebird on Pawpaw limb

Flitting from one low limb to another, or perching on the dead stumps of Bush honeysuckle, they constantly scan the forest floor. Then a quick drop, some rummaging about in the leaf litter for invertebrate tidbits, and back to a perch.

Pretty soon spring weather will send the bluebirds to their nesting grounds. But the Pileated, and other resident woodpeckers will be even more visible and audible, as they begin drumming loudly for mates and territory. Nothing stays the same.

8 thoughts on “1/31 Big Red, Little Blue

  1. rewilder2020

    Love the bluebird photos, especially the one taken from the rear. Such wonderful blues. We have no blue on our UK thrushes and chats, and it looks odd to my eyes but perfectly natural at the same time. The shot from the side reminds me of our stonechats, which seem to have taken up residence for the winter. You must be glad the bluebirds forage in woodland in the winter, allowing you to make their acquaintance. Beautiful photography, as always.

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  2. shoreacres

    The rear view of the bluebird’s wonderful. I’d not thought about it, but I rarely see a view from behind. This one’s as attractive from the rear as from the side or the front. I know there are bluebirds in our state, but I’ve never seen one. The only ones I’ve seen were in Kansas and Missouri, which is getting up toward your territory.

    I have heard and seen the pileated woodpecker a couple of times. In truth, it seems as though anyone who hears one will see one — at least, with patience. Those birds are loud!

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